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5 Standout Characters From the Hollywood movie, The Woman King

Africa has recorded what will stand as one of its best film years yet. It has been one blockbuster after another. This might be attributed partly to the introduction of industry heavyweights in the African scene, like Netflix. One thing is certain; the future of movies in Africa is bright.

The Woman King has created a lot of buzz since its release, and for good reason. In an industry where hype often comes before a subpar delivery, The Woman King manages to live up to– and perhaps exceed, I dare say– expectations. Everything from the story to casting, to directing, production, and everything else came out fantastic.

Getting down to it, here are some of the exceptional characters in my opinion, and why I have taken a special liking to them.

Warning: Beware of spoilers!

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This might come as a shock, and I understand why. This character doesn’t get nearly enough screen time. I can count the number of words she said in the entire movie and still have a few left of my ten fingers.

My love for Ode begins when she says her first (and sadly, her last) line.

“Here, I will be the hunter, not prey.”

And with every second on screen, she fans her flame till it blazes. She’s on fire. And when she’s at her most fierce, a bullet catches her in what is arguably the most heartbreaking scene in the entire movie.

Classic storytelling. Create a beautiful character, and then kill it.

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If you do not agree that Izogie is the life of this movie, I hereby challenge you to pick a spot where we can fight. Izogie is the character to watch. The writers did an incredible job and the actor delivers a masterpiece.

Her arc is phenomenal, coming from so much pain and rising to be one of the fiercest warriors, in line to be the next miganon. This means she has to sacrifice love and a chance at living, and it’s a trade she’s willing to make.

Except she doesn’t make it that far. She doesn’t stay alive long enough. In the face of trouble, she comes back to save her sister and gets killed in the process.

It was by the special grace of God that I did not smash my laptop at this point.

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“So you are Dahomey, but not. And white, but not.”

These words by Nawi fully capture Malik’s story. His conflict is one of identity and the need to find where he belongs. Born to an African woman who was first sold as a slave, and growing up with and around slavers, he never really fit anywhere.

His resolution comes when he makes the decision to unshackle the slaves, knowing what it would result to. His childhood friend calls out to him for help, but he watches, with horror, as they beat him up and down him.

This, to me, is the greatest twist of the movie. It’s character development at its finest.

King Ghezo
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Not often do we see a young African king in movies. King Ghezo carries the aura of power and authority. He does not have to scream or wear a heavy crown. His mere appearance is majestic.

My likeness for this character is partly because of his choice of wives. I found myself pausing the movie now and then to admire his many wives. I do not know what it takes to be a king in my village, but I swear, that sh** has to be my calling if I get to marry as many gorgeous ladies as I can. 😑

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Amenza carries the spirit of the movie. You feel it wash over you with goosebumps when she leads the chant to welcome the new soldiers into the agogie. She dances with a spear in her hand, and you know it is a dance of spirits. Her words are not many; they are sharp, sacred, floating. Final.

She does the final scene, a rendition for her lost sisters, and it’s art and divinity. Like poetry. It’s priceless.

Sisters in blood, you fall, and now you rise.
Dance with us. Be with us.
You live for me, and I for you.
Izogie. Ode. Esi. Yoshe. Alekko. Kessia. Breona.”

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