22 December 2022
Dreamer by Tochukwu Precious Eze
31 December 2022

7 AM MO(u)RNS, PSALM 151, & FIRE (poems) by Bolu Animashaun


12 AM
my pen is begging to bleed
but it’s blood is frozen.
I’m scribbling in circles
Captured by the rules of poetry;
Rhythm, rhyme and metres.

1 AM
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Mother asked me for the pearl she gave me
& I gave her a book containing my damsel’s name.

2 AM
Inside the water’s belly
resides a story not said
And beneath the earth
Is a secret confounded.

3 AM
I close my eyes &
the world is blue.
All that’s in it is you
shining in lights so bright and hue.

4 AM
I’m dreaming of poetry.
Running in lines on rhythms
and rhymes; measured in metres.
I’m dreaming of poetry, I’m dreaming of you.

5 AM
It’s another 5 o’clock mo(u)rn.
That brings the cold from heaven.
I’ll get a hug from my damsel
When I see her again
in the 3 AM mo(u)rn

6 AM
When it’s noontime and the sun gives its heat
I’ll take some, put it in a bottle,
seal it tightly and store it on the shelf of my heart

So that when the night comes,
it’ll be a lantern to brighten my dark sky,
keep me warm and put a smile on my face.

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If I’ve offended you by my transgression
in your compassion, have mercy on me
when I offend you by my transgression.

If I’ve looked upon the heaven and cursed you on your holy throne,
In your mercy, look through my words and see the pain in my heart
When I look upon the heaven and curse you on your throne.

If I’ve walked in the path of sin and wickedness,
Let your glory light up my way and order my steps back to you
When I walk in the path of sin and wickedness.

If I’ve ever fallen short of your grace,
with your right hand draw me back to your presence in love
When I fall short of your grace and glory.

When you blow the trumpet of my life
Send your angels to carry me in peace unto your abode
When death calls my name and I answer before your holy court.


These thoughts, like fire
started as a spark
in the woods in harmattan.

Tochukwu says,
Fire is mad and raging,
it never stops at one sip, it gulps down
takes over, consumes and bellies
your world in ashes and soot

These thoughts, like fire
started as a spark
in the woods in harmattan.
& they didn’t stop till they took over,
consumed and bellied my world
In ash and soot.

Bolu Animashaun is a Nigerian playwright, poet, and storyteller. His titles include From Everest (a poetry collection), To Memories, Living, and The Future: 20 ( a memoir) among several others. He’s the writer of Ubulumko: the prophecy, an African drama series recently performed in the Father’s House by the FirstClass Visuals production.

His works have appeared on various platforms including the Poemify Magazine Issue IV, PEACE, and also the 7th Chinua ACHEBE poetry anthology, where he received an Outstanding Award.

Bolu is a member of The Fellowship, and a student of the University of Ibadan, where he’s studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Aside from being a writer, he’s a sound engineer, a social media optimization strategist, and an avid volunteer.

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5 December 2022

On Writing: The Creative Process and Journey So Far (interview) with Enit’ayanfe Ayosojumi Akinsanya

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