wriggle room, hrwo worship, chidi nonso, Funko Superman in shallow focus
Wiggle Room, by Chidi Nonso
9 October 2024
pain, grayscale photography of man lying on floor
We Use Pain To Heal Pain, by Grace Orobosa
11 October 2024

Beauty Of My Face, by Salihu Muhammad Ebba

‘Beauty Of My Face,’ by Salihu Muhammad Ebba’ is a poem of nature’s beauty, shines from sunrise to sunset. Flowers bloom, birds sing, and sunsets dazzle. Simple joys fill our hearts, making every moment so special and precious.

Beauty Of My Face

after night breaks into day
flowers bloom, a lovely sword
Birds sing songs from tree to tree
Beautiful, wild, and free

Every day, a gift to sight
Opportunity to still taste
In the simple, quiet lane
Enjoyment pumps our hearts each time

Every sunset paints the sky
Stars emerge as night draws in
In each breath, a precious chance
Pure beauty, wild and free

From dawn to dusk, existence glows
In every heart, this beauty shines high

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