Adaeze by Tochukwu Precious Eze
21 February 2022
26 May 2022



Format: eBook, 124 pages (PDF)

Publisher: Direwords (May 15, 2022).

Most of these poems came to me in the early hours of the night, as I sat by myself, listening to the moon, looking within, searching for answers. I can not say categorically whether I found them or not. I have laid myself out here for you to see.

And I hope that, at the very least, as you take a look, you will find a little piece of yourself in here as well.

About the Author

Tochukwu Precious Eze is a Nigerian creative writer, blogger, and mental health enthusiast. His works have been featured in Writers Space Africa, Nalubaale Review Magazine, Cónscìò Magazine, The Muse, and elsewhere. He is the author of poetry collections, Tobé and Agụ, and novella, Adaeze.

Tochukwu graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he studied Microbiology. He is the founder and director of Direwords, and Mental Health Awareness Africa.

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