Youth Profiling: An Inexcusable Act of Inhumanity
10 February 2022
15 May 2022

Adaeze by Tochukwu Precious Eze

“A few months after, on a hot, dry afternoon, I get a beep call, quickly followed by a text that reads: “I’m sorry.” This stands as the single darkest day of our friendship. It’s the day she decides to take her life…

This book raises a lot of concerns that we can’t shy away from at this point. It spotlights the loophole in our mental health system and the many ways it hurts our society.

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About the Author

Tochukwu Precious Eze is a Nigerian creative writer, blogger, and mental health enthusiast. His works have appeared in Writers Space AfricaNalubaale Review MagazineCónscìò Magazine, The Muse, and elsewhere. He is the author of poetry collections, Tobé (2020) and Agụ (2021).

Tochukwu graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he studied Microbiology. He is the founder of Direwords and Mental Health Awareness Africa.

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18 October 2024

Self-Publishing for African Authors: Navigating the Pros and Cons

Self-publishing has become a transformative option for authors, allowing them to share their unique stories with the world. While this path offers creative control and the potential for financial independence, it also presents significant challenges, such as navigating the publishing process and effectively marketing their work. In this article, I'll outline the challenges and rewards of self-publishing for African authors.