LEE MK II, aka Gatluak Ezekiel, is a South Sudanese nationalist poet and lit romanticist. His poem, "Story Me" explores love, legacy, and the enduring effect of storytelling.
This poem sings of mother’s craftFor at mother’s feet, this painter becomes a druidLost in the runes of lines and verses/Without the craft of magicFor home […]
The poem is about a gallant wordsmith who grew weary of his wordcraft because he feels he wasn't making impact nor getting his desired result from writing. Dusk narrates this feeling of himself, of which he eventually gave us a happy ending of it.
A poem by Eze Chibuike Victory With dusty and stinky toes Walking down the pathway Olde grey shoulder-length hair And fading dilated pupils straight on Disgusting […]
A poem by Ephraim Nonso Fellow Nigerians, I have come to understand That our landscape harbors more stories Than the number of people that make our […]