‘Depression Is A Good Lie’ is a poem about the lies we’ve been forced to believe. How the society leads us to depression and making us believe “conventional” is our only way out.
– Ngumar Enoch
Like leaves, we are allowed to wither,
left out in the Sun with no rain,
We were told that it will make us flourish,
But no one said anything about being burnt.
We’ve crossed a milestone,
Allowing science lie to our face,
Telling us we inherited this, which we have become,
And only a customised set of pills could rehabilitate us.
Like electricity, they have figured out the best time to turn us on,
Our efficiency is set on their equipment panel easy to control.
They tell us how insufficient we are,
And how irrelevant we might become just because we skipped some first grade 1 A’s.
They preach to us the dangers of pressure
While intentionally throwing us into its pit.
When we finally draw back in our shells to re- strategize,
They tell us we have reached a state of depression.
That we no longer conform to societal norms and we need help.
Like some Savior they offered us a two way out.
Either you end up on some rope and pills,drowning in your own pool of blood or they feed you with lies about what you are meant to be,
A remote they could control.