Sore Loser (flash fiction) by Rhoda Oluwatunmise Crown
15 December 2022
22 December 2022

Frameshifts by Tares Oburumu


Format: eBook, 42 pages (PDF)
Publisher: Direwords (December 20, 2022)

an apple leaves its roots; it is Eve renaming her fall– watching
over the argument that the purpose of my life is to write,
eat, drink, commit sin, sleep. & make babies?

Tares buries poetry in twists and heaps of more poetry. The lines are so tightly knit that one must religiously chew on the words, one after another, as they open you up to worlds of realities and emotions. The second and subsequent reads are just as thrilling as the first.

Frameshifts is a breathing body of poems. It has a past. It is alive. It speaks to you, and you can’t help but visualize these thoughts in pictures and heartbeats.

-Tochukwu Precious Eze
author; director of publishing, Direwords.

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Download FRAMESHIFTS here

About the Author 

Tares Oburumu is a poet and essayist. He is the winner of the Sillerman prize for African poets, 2022, and a two times Pushcart prize nominee. His works have appeared in Connotation Press, Turnpike, Loch Raven Review, Woven Tales Press, Bluepepper, Agonist, Euiona Review, Agbowo, Ngiga review, and elsewhere.

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18 October 2024

Self-Publishing for African Authors: Navigating the Pros and Cons

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