In this hole of a house
I have worn the weight of the world
Like Jesus and his cross forsaken by God
The government of the world have striped me of divinity
and broken my mortal body into a thousand splinters
Splattering her sour sins all over my queer body
Projecting on me their ugliest passions and the brutality of their baseness
They have made me a whore
For everyone who has a sore
To come and wash themselves clean
To come here and be redeemed
The deity of the rainbow is now a desecrated masquerade
Preached in churches as heaven’s blockade or in the street as an ancient mistake
But I stand
A colony of dreams gathered from the survival songs beating from a beaten heart
Whose survival is a strange story of how I found my soul beneath the debris of a nation’s filth
How I found my voice beneath bags of bigotry
How we would beat the storm with ease
Floating on the back of her waves
Like the clash of clouds fighting for the break of dawn
We are the rain calling out the bluff of a drought