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30 November 2022

THE THEM IN ME by Oyeleke Joel Ifeoluwa


Format: eBook, 34 pages (PDF)

Publisher: Direwords (November 26, 2022)

This collection is a reawakening that we need to bring them (our literary icons) to the knowledge of this generation so that we can remember the paths we took, if not for anything, but for us to know where we are going, especially in retelling our African stories, our histories, tied, in fragments, to the heroes celebrated herein.

The Them in Me is what—to an extent—is missing in today’s African poetry. And I am quite elated that Oyeleke, through this collection, reminds us what we should do for those who held our hands and walked us through the path to the stardom, and internationality we enjoy today.

This collection of poems is an oeuvre of panegyrics. A song coming from a child’s literary sky to set in the east of his literary gods. The poems carry, not only praises, but prayers and wishes. It is a child, in the famous Achebean proverb, washing clean his hands to dine with elders.


Poet and Author of 6 Poetry Collections



  1. Thank you writing, thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s a great inspiration to read your anthology.

  2. Thank you for writing, thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s a great inspiration to read your anthology.

  3. Adeyemo Adeola says:

    Beautiful piece of art
    Keep it up

  4. Oluwafemi Marvellous Ayomide says:

    Good work bro…it’s always nice when I read a brilliant masterpiece…

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18 October 2024

Self-Publishing for African Authors: Navigating the Pros and Cons

Self-publishing has become a transformative option for authors, allowing them to share their unique stories with the world. While this path offers creative control and the potential for financial independence, it also presents significant challenges, such as navigating the publishing process and effectively marketing their work. In this article, I'll outline the challenges and rewards of self-publishing for African authors.