Sokoto Book and Arts Festival is thrilled to announce the theme and date of our highly
anticipated Book and Arts Festival, an event that celebrates the vibrant intersection of literature,
art, and culture. The festival promises to be an unforgettable experience, bringing together
renowned authors, artists, and enthusiasts to the seat of the caliphate.
After “Changing the Narrative” of the Sokoto creative sphere and staging “A Returning” to build
on a pedestal that has given a platform to voices encumbered with timely messages, the Sokoto
Book and Arts Foundation is pleased to announce its return with the third edition of the Sokoto
Book and Arts Festival, SOBAFest 23.
Themed “Roots and Routes”, SOBAFest 23 seeks to dive into history and explore the nuances of
the the Caliphate City’s profound artistic, literary and cultural heritage, its originality, and distinctions
and intersections with the present, and its role in determining the future of the African creative
SOBAFest: Sokoto Book and Arts Festival is thrilled to announce the theme and date of our highly anticipated Book and Arts Festival, an event that celebrates the vibrant intersection of literature, art, and culture.
Boasting a lineup of events that cut across known and emerging forms of artistic expressions,
times and places, SOBAFest 23 promises to unite generations of African creatives, artists, and
culture enthusiasts and, likewise, neutral observers to chart a course for the visibility of African
literature, arts, and culture in the future.
The festival will feature a diverse array of activities and attractions, including poetry
performance, art exhibition, panel discussion, book chats, drama, and cultural dance. This event is
not just about celebrating the written word and visual art; it’s about the journey of discovery, the
meeting of minds, and the magic that happens when literature and art collide. We invite everyone
to join us on this remarkable journey.
Come November, from the 17 th through the 19 th , the Seat of the Caliphate will host all comers,
both physically and virtually, and thrill them with sonorous strokes of history, legacy, and artistry.
For media inquiries, sponsorship opportunities, or further information, please contact: 08161118798, sobafest@gmail.com.