Ofu Obi
9 February 2022
Jon & Ygritte
9 February 2022

We Can Do Better With Our Kids

One day, I bought something from this shop that had just two little girls inside. I told them I wanted a roll of tissue paper, the biggest size, and I noticed that they were holding back.

When I enquired further, I found out that it was on the topmost chamber where their hands couldn’t reach. So, I offered to help them get one down if they were okay with it. I simply reached out and grabbed one without hassle. Chinwendu for climb like three chairs if to say na she.

After I paid them and they balanced me, I said, “Thank you,” and turned to leave. They had both stopped, turned to look at each other, and back at me. I wasn’t sure what the problem was, so I asked them if the money was good and they said yes.

Turns out they were shocked by the way I said thank you, and in general, how I dealt with them. Take away the fact that they were kids, I always train myself to be as professional, kind, and courteous as ever. It does not come naturally, but I am learning.

Now, the only reason I do not say good morning to children first is that I have worked with children a lot in the past and I understand that they need to learn these basic things. Moreover, they’d see it as sarcasm and draw back into their shells. I don’t want that.

I’ve always had this relationship with kids where we are friends and respect each other still. You might think they don’t understand balance, but they learn really fast. And there’s always room for corrections.

Some kids are very smart that when you act a certain way around them, especially if you’re someone with some authority over them or someone they trust, it gives them the impression that they can’t do a thing right. It begins to mess with their self-esteem. You hurt them more than you know.

Parents and guardians, especially.

Here’s my advice: Do not grow to be that person who looks down on others for whatever reason. It’s a give and take thing. You do not become God when you grow older, buy a car, or become a landlord.

Small people, big people, poor people, disabled people, still people. Keep this in mind. Treat them as such.

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6 November 2022

A Review of Dearest Suicide (Book 2) by PaGidi

“Through each page, you’ll experience…controversial facts;countless secrets;multiple obsessions;emotional pains;undeniable truths…” The Art PaGidi writes in what he refers to as expressions. His primary purpose of writing […]