growing grass in glass jar on book
Growing Out, by Beatrice Yahena Icasiam
30 August 2024
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Leonard Ugwu’s “Babel and Boys” Set to Premiere at UNN
6 September 2024

DUSK, by Tanimonure Richards

hanging on a heartbeat
that is a weary feeble bed
of a legless journey,

waters, slowly walking,
slowly mourning
a very bruised laughter
coldly shuddering.


what shrunken story they tell
of a battle, of a tussle,
of the heaven they held
now a loud loss. hmmn.


are you the one
that is a samson of
a poetry, a journey;

a wing which will not
fly the brightest eyes
of a wailing prophecy?

oh! tragedy!


a saul of verses
strutting a nothing
as boasting glory

is my talking pen,
is my speaking ink,
is my shouting sheet;


I am the dusk
of a powerful dawn
who fought for his sun
to shine a glorious tongue.

tell the coming night
his grave is not a fright
of his shock of bed.

I am a dusk
of a new dawn sun.


  1. Jaachị Anyatọnwụ says:

    This is captivating!

    • Tanimonure Richards says:

      Thank you Jaachi. It is one of my memorable poems which speaks a lot not about me, but also about others in the same shoe.

  2. Solomon Alo says:


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